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Uganda 2022

“Without courage, the act of collecting skills and knowledge can become a kind of waiting. Waiting to get better, waiting to get ready. Waiting for conditions to improve. Waiting for the path to reveal itself. Waiting for someone to give… Read More »Uganda 2022

Spring Newsletter

On February 24  at the Morning Meeting for All Del Sol Rotarians, Dr. Mark Kropp, a Del Sol Rotarian was the Speaker via ZOOM from Atlanta, GA.   Mark, who has his medical degree from the Medical School in St. Croix, has… Read More »Spring Newsletter

Flight of the Orioles

“Woo, woo, woo” “Evacuate! Evacuate!” “Woo, woo, woo” “Evacuate! Evacuate!” Suddenly, the long-wailing sound waves of the volcano warning siren system pierced through the entire calm island atmosphere as it warned the civilians that Mount Soufriere was once again in… Read More »Flight of the Orioles